Paper Hearts


It’s been two weeks since the Christmas decorations have come down. Our house feels sad, it always feels sad in January. I think it’s the darkness of the Northwest and the absence of twinkle lights. My family always yearns for February. The sun tends to make more appearances and red and pink hearts start to show up around the house. I decided that the hearts might need to arrive early this year. I made my own decorations with a little inspiration from pinterest (see pin here), with a little bit of my own spin.

Here is my “Bring you out of your January Blues” Heart Garland. You like?


It really was very simple. Here is my “Paper Heart Garland How to.”


Here are the supplies you will need:

– Colored paper of your choice

– Scissors

– Tape (double sided if you wish)

– Needle and thread

– Pen or pencil


Cut you paper into one inch wide strips. It does not need to be perfect if you can’t cut a straight line like me. I cut 18 strips for 18 hearts. Depending on how long you want your garland depends on how many hearts you need. I cut 17 red and 1 pink just to give it some extra sass. You could even do multi-colored….ooooh.


Fold the strip of paper in half.


Curl one half of the paper ALMOST into the middle with a pencil.


Curl the other half ALMOST into the middle.


Tape the middle pieces together.


And…..Voila! I forgot to take pictures on how to put the garland together, but it’s pretty easy. Thread the needle throughout the top half of the heart. I was surprised, the needle goes through really easy. You can change it up based on what you want your garland to look like. I considered some other ideas like hanging them individually in the window for from the chandelier, spacing each heart out on the garland or making multiple vertical garlands.



It definitely brings some cheer to our kitchen on these cold, dark January days. What do you do to bring cheer to your house in January? Do you put up any special/cheesy decorations for Valentine’s Day?

p.s. This DIY project was totally free, as long as you have all of the simple supplies at home.